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Having Issues with Your Air Duct System? We Have the Solution

Our air duct company specializes in cleaning and maintenance. On this page we detail a collection of tips to guide you in caring for your system. Scroll down to learn everything you need to about how to keep your units working smoothly.

Clean the kitchen exhaust hood filter regularly

Check it every three or four months to see if grease has built up. The cleaning involves soaking the hood in very hot water with degreasing cleaner in it. It is also possible to add a quarter of a cup of baking soda. You should soak the filter for at least ten minutes, then scrub it gently with a brush and rinse it.

If you need a more flexible dryer duct, try a semi-rigid metal one

The more rigid the duct is the lower the rate of lint buildup will be, as it will have fewer crevices for it to accumulate. Additionally, metal isn't flammable, so in the event of a fire starting inside the dryer, the duct will not help spreading it. In general, the fewer twists and turns the exhaust duct has the better.

If your air filters get clogged frequently get the air ducts thoroughly cleaned

If your air filters keep clogging up, it could mean that there is too much dust, pollen and dirt inside the HVAC system. Replacing the filters is important, but that is just one part of the solution to the problem. You'll need to get your air ducts cleaned thoroughly, as well as the HVAC unit's components such as the condenser.

HVAC air duct registers should be removed before cleaning

It makes sense to open the registers and vacuum them, right? Unfortunately, this will not help to remove all dust and debris stuck to them. The best way is to remove them and to clean them fully from all sides before putting them back in place. This will help to keep the air ducts clean for longer.


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Mar 26, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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